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4 Tips to Help You Edit Great Video

With over a decade of experience editing films and video for broadcast and web, Walkingstick Presentations knows a thing or two about the things that can be done to turn a good shoot into a great film. Here are four tips to help you make the most of your post-production.

1. Story, Story, Story – Remember the golden rule; Story is King!! Blair Witch, Blade Runner, both very different sizes, budgets and gear, but both compelling in their own way. Proof that no matter what you spend financially or hours you put in to frame the perfect shot, if it doesn't play with the story, it doesn't play. Viewers will forgive and often laude a lower quality shot if it effectively conveys the emotion of the story it is telling.

2. Quality Audio is Key – Bad sound quality can make a big difference when producing film. Make sure to hire a professional who has the correct tools. Nothing pulls attention from a classy edit like shitty audio. Don't risk it!

3. Pace Yourself and Your Film – If you start moving through your film too quickly, your audience will get lost. On the other hand, if you move too slowly, they will get bored. Finding the right balance for your film will ensure that your message is properly conveyed. Also don’t forget to pace yourself to avoid burnout! Editing can be tedious and tiresome so don’t forget about the importance of the occasional break to stretch your muscles, brain and eyes.

4. Have Fun! – There are rules to editing and post, and the best way from A to B is a straight line, but those who take the journey with a light heart and a good spirited approach to each decision have the most fun. Ingenuity is not for the meek and you will pace the room for many nights in anticipation of the yes or no from your director or clients, but when an experiment goes right and you have the opportunity to shape those rules of editing and post for years to come, there is nothing like it. So remember to have fun! Otherwise why do it?!

For additional tips on film editing, or to hire Walkingstick for your next masterpiece, hit up or call 435-640-9119. Always love to hear what you have going on!

**All images used in this post have been downloaded from the internet. We do not claim to own them. Please contact us if you would like us to remove any of the images included herein. We would be happy to do so if needed. Thanks.


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